LA CTF 2024

LA CTF 2024

LA CTF is an annual cybersecurity competition hosted by ACM Cyber at UCLA and Psi Beta Rho. There will be a variety of events ranging from competitive cybersecurity challenges to more relaxed events like typing competitions. Throughout the event, a variety of UCLA professors and cybersecurity experts will be giving talks. LA CTF is open to all skill levels! No matter your experience, there will be challenges just right for you!

ImaginaryCTF 2023

ImaginaryCTF 2023

ImaginaryCTF 2023 is a cybersecurity CTF competition run by ImaginaryCTF with a variety of challenges for all skill levels, running from July 21 to July 23. Teams will be challenged to discover vulnerabilities in websites, crack codes, and recover information through challenges in cryptography, binary exploitation, web exploitation, forensics, reversing, and more. We hope that you will learn something new from our challenges!

LA CTF 2023

LA CTF 2023

LA CTF is an annual cybersecurity competition hosted by ACM Cyber at UCLA and Psi Beta Rho. There will be a variety of events ranging from competitive cybersecurity challenges to more relaxed events like typing competitions. Throughout the event, a variety of UCLA professors and cybersecurity experts will be giving talks. LA CTF is open to all skill levels! No matter your experience, there will be challenges just right for you!

KnightCTF 2023

KnightCTF 2023

KnightCTF 2023 is a jeopardy CTF competition for Cyber ​​Security professionals and students or those who are interested in security. There will be challenges in various categories like PWN, Reversing, Web, Cryptography etc.

WMCTF 2022

WMCTF 2022

WMCTF is a Jeopardy-style Online Capture The Flag Competition presented by W&M. The contest is opened to all participants around the world. Teams can compete from any location. The number of team members shall not be more than 20.The mobile phone number is an optional item, which is used to contact the prize distribution.

ImaginaryCTF 2022

ImaginaryCTF 2022

ImaginaryCTF is back, with a new CTF for 2022! All skill levels welcome to participate. It runs from July 15 to July 18, starting and ending at 8 PM UTC. In the competition, teams will be challenged to hack websites and servers, crack codes, and recover information through challenges in cryptography, binary exploitation, web exploitation, forensics, reversing, and more. We hope you will have fun and learn something new! Join our discord server to receive updates: Note: Unlike last year, there is no limit on team size.

KnightCTF 2022

KnightCTF 2022

There's a first time for everything. For Bangladesh and for Knight Squad as well, it's the first time to conduct an International CTF competition. Yeah, you read that right! Knight Squad is gonna conduct an International CTF competition on January 20, 2022. There will be challenges with basic concepts which transition into more complex and advanced challenges, ensuring that everyone has something that they can enjoy.