Do You Know Chinese - SMP CTF 2024 - Selection Round

Posted on by rahisec

In the attachment there is a file called Knight.jpeg.

After running file Knight.jpeg , it shows its only a data file. so i tried to string it and found a bunch of gibberish. Thats why i tried to grep bunch of stuff to find out if there any flag or not. among them i tried to see if there any urls and found a gdrive link.


got a python code in that drive

word = '下去'

end_string = '艓𠅐教鑕𒁇鑔顁𓍔ꍡ睟𓄴𠌳'

for _ in range(10):
    for char in word:



End string need to be decoded. as everything can be translated using google translate except end string.

as hint suggest 65536 port number. but we know only 65535 is the last port.

so further googling found base65536 exist.

import base65536

encoded_str = '艓𠅐教鑕𒁇鑔顁𓍔ꍡ睟𓄴𠌳'
decoded_str = base65536.decode(encoded_str)

After running this code we can grab the flag!

NB: you have to install base65536 library in your python environment. run "pip install base65536" to install it